Importing Audio

Bookmobile and Book Mower support many different methods for getting audio into your app, and they support many different audio formats. This guide is meant to help you understand the options for adding audio content, and explain the capabilities/limitations with each method.

Importing Audio FAQ

"How do I load books, podcasts, etc.?"
Go to the Add/Import tab (the + icon, at the bottom of the screen).

"Can I use audiobooks imported from a CD? What about downloaded from or"
Yes, and from just about any other source that will play on the iPhone/iPod. Note: iOS audio players do not support .wma (Windows Media) or .ogg (Ogg Vorbis) audio files directly, but the iTunes App on your computer will convert them.

"I've synced my iTunes Library and my audiobooks are showing up in multiple parts. Is there a way to group them together into one audiobook?"
Yes, all parts need to be part of the same Album (same Album name) AND you need to check the checkbox "Part of a compilation" for each part. These settings can be found in the iTunes application on your computer. Select each part, and select the menu item File->Get Info (or Cmd-I). Set the Album name and the checkbox at the bottom of the panel.

"I ripped a set of audiobook CDs, and now I have all these files. Do I have to load each of these individually?"
No. There are a few options to handle a lot of audio files:

Option 1: If you use iTunes to sync your audiobooks, you can leave them individually, but make sure you perform the TWO steps required in iTunes described in the previous question (Is there a way to group them together in one audiobook?). When you add the book in the app, pick one track from the audiobook, and all the other tracks will be added automatically.

Option 2 (recommended): You can use an application on your computer to group the files into an m4b audiobook format, that includes chapters, cover art, etc..

Option 3: The app also supports importing zip archives of mp3 audiofiles, so you can just zip ("Compress" on Mac OS X) the files into one or more zip files.

* Podcast functionality only available using Bookmobile Audiobook and Podcast Player

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